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Normal Wednesday

Overall, today was a pretty normal day. Which isn't always bad! I'll take a boring day over a crazy misbehaving day. Like usual, I began the day with taking attendance/lunch count, then went on with math. The students are on day two on how to count money. Most understood it easily and it was awesome! Using the manipulatives was a lot more controlled than yesterday, which was awesome! Throughout most of the day I circulated the classroom and assisted students on the things they were working on. I observed another literacy lesson to prep for my edTPA (gross), and I'm learning a lot!

To finalize the day I taught a Social Studies lesson. We were more strict on Dojo points which helped the students stay on task and focused on my lesson. Today's lesson was on moving west in the United States (Lewis and Clark and all that!) and was a successful lesson. The students were on task and engaged for the most part (you can never expect perfection). After school we had a faculty meeting on Parent/Teacher Conferences coming up, I'm so excited to meet all of the parents!

Tomorrow I will be on my own (with a sub) because Mrs. Palmer has not been feeling well. Stay tuned for how my first day alone with the students go! I have a ton of work to keep the students occupied, hopefully that'll keep them busy!

Like I said, pretty normal/boring day, but still a good one! My students make me smile and laugh every single day, and I wouldn't change anything about my experience :)

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