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I can't believe it's Actually Over

With the craziness of edTPA and catching up for my supervisor, I have not been able to blog this last week. If I was not at work, I was working on lesson plans, my edTPA, or sleeping. That has literally been my life these past two weeks. The due date is in 3 days, and it is crunch time! Anyways, today was my last day at KTEC East, and I am so sad this placement is actually over.

These past nine weeks have been the best experience of my life. I was doing what I love, with an amazing group of students (and cooperating teacher). Words cannot express how grateful I am that Melinda welcomed me and let me make this class my own. From taking over each subject to making my own seating chart, I completely took over. At the end of the placement, she would even leave the room for extended periods of time and the students were completely comfortable and respected me as a teacher the whole time. The freedom I got in this class to experiment was amazing, and definitely helped me become a better teacher. Melinda would even say, "I know I just have to back off. Even if you drown a little bit, that is how you become a better teacher." She is completely right. Even though there were a few hard days here and there where the students were misbehaved, I loved every minute of this placement. The students were absolutely amazing, and I built such a strong rapport with each and every one of them. I have been with this class since October (because of clinicals) and I don't know how I am going to finish off the year without them. I have grown to love each of my students, even when they gave me a hard time. Every day was filled with a new adventure and laughter, even if it was at the silliest of things. My students always knew how to make me smile. From the notes I got to the silly jokes they told, I will miss EVERYTHING about this placement.

I have to admit. There were times that I was thinking, "Do I really want to be a teacher?" These thoughts mainly came after the hard days. But, after looking at everything I've been through and reading all of the notes/cards I received from my students, I know that teaching is the field for me. This past week, I was helping a student on just some random assignment. I don't know why, but I randomly thought, "I love this job." It completely came out of nowhere, but it made me extremely happy for the rest of the day. On my last day with the students (yesterday), I went outside with them for recess. I played silly games and goofed around with them. It was probably one of my favorite memories from this placement. I got to relax and just be silly for 20 minutes with my students. After we went back inside, my cooperating teacher said the last hour was "All about me." My students (parents) chipped in for a gift basket for me! This included a 3-hole punch, a stapler, scissors, pens, a tape dispenser, a really nice paper organizer, a

desk organizer, a sign, binder clips, and a few more little things (I will post a picture!). I can't wait until I have my own classroom and can use all of the things I got! I also got many cards from my students, and I almost cried reading all of them. After they all had free time, I handed out my gifts. I told my students how thankful I was for being their teacher, and how amazing they all are. While talking to them, I couldn't help but cry. I CRIED SO MUCH! I couldn't help it. These students have been amazing and I already miss them SO MUCH. The little gift bags I gave them included a mechanical pencil (because they all ALWAYS need pencils), bubbles, a bouncy ball and an eraser. I also wrote individual notes to each student, telling them how much I will miss them and how awesome they are. After the bell rang, I was still crying. I got a big group hug from all of my students, and I tried to not get tears on them LOL. So many of my students would not leave, and I got hugs from many of my students multiple times. It took me a while to compose myself, but I eventually did.

Today I cleared off my desk, and it was the weirdest thing ever. Knowing I was not coming back felt very strange, and I know it will not fully hit me until I get in my car Monday morning to go to Mahone, instead of KTEC East. I am so sad this chapter in my life is over, but I know Mahone will have many great adventures as well. I WILL MISS YOU MELINDA AND EVERY ONE OF **OUR STUDENTS!!!!! <3 (Melinda had me change your students to our students, awww)

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