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Last Week and this Week

Sorry I've been so bad about posting! My new placement is rather repetitive and there isn't many things to talk about in a daily blog, so I might switch to weekly! 

These past few weeks have been quite the adjustment. At first I honestly did not think I would enjoy this placement, but that has definitely changed. As I've gotten to know my student and connected with them, I feel more welcome. I honestly was a bit insecure about this placement at first, becaus so felt like I was being judged by the students of my every move. In second grade the students instantly love you. But in 8th grade, you really need to earn trust and respect. Thankfully, my rapport with the students is growing, and I have gotten to know each one a bit more. I officially know all of my students' names that I see on a daily basis! :) 

In Math, we started working with functions and figuring out functions from a graph and graphing points. During work time, I bring my 5 students from that class and work through the homework with them in the family room (middle room).  I like this subject the most because I am actually teaching instead of just circulating! 

In Science, the students were working on a really cool project on thermal protection systems. They had to make their "rocket" (wooden stick with a screw hot glued to an end) last 2 minutes under intense heat.  Each group had three trials to get to the goal time, and my students did it! It was really cool figuring out what designs worked and which did not, and seeing each group (for the most part) improve. Tomorrow they are presenting their data!

In English, we haven't really done much. The students had a essay due this week, now they are working on their study tool for the quarter, note and notice. This basically lets the students become active readers.  I also saw some honors students carrying around The BookThief, and it made me want to read it again because I LOVE that book. So I am borrowing a book from the teacher and reading it! 

In Social Studies, the students are learning US history, and it has been lecture and notes for the most part. The students did a really cool simulation for the Oregon Trail. The students had to make decisions on food, direction, materials, all with consequences and needing to stay in budget. It was really cool! The students have a quiz on what they have learned so far tomorrow, so hopefully they do well! 

Fun Fact: the students are all obsessed with these things called Fidget Spinners, and I totally got one for myself. They are so addicting! They are supposed to help with paying attention in class or just keeping your hands occupied. When I would just sit around I would typically pick at my nails or nail polish, and ever since I've been playing with one I've basically stopped! Would highly recommend for helping with attention or for just for fun. Look them up! 

Here's a picture of mine: 

Overall, I have enjoyed this experience! There have been a few "hick-ups" here and there, but it has been good so far!

Update: I have officially applied to 5 big girl jobs for next year. Yay!!! 

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