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edTPA Day 1

It's officially stress time where I am basically working on Lesson Plans, teaching, or working on edTPA. It is officially due in two weeks! Today was my first day of filming, and the lesson went well! Note to self: do not pack anything messy for lunch on the day of filming. So the lesson I had to teach today was after lunch, and for lunch I packed some pasta with marinara sauce. Well, the klutz I am spilled it ALL OVER my pants. OF COURSE this happens the day I film (it would suck any day, but especially today). Thankfully, Mrs. Palmer let me run home real quick so I could change. I was back within 15 minutes! I was going to use most of my lunch to prep for my lesson, but that obviously didn't happen. Then, when I did return, I was having issues logging into Swivl (the app we use to film). It took a solid 15 minutes for me to figure it out and get everything set up. But, once I started the lesson, it went so well! The students were attentive and following instruction, and participating in the lesson. It may have helped that I have bribed them with treats for Thursday if all goes well... but hey, whatever I can do to get them to behave, I'll do.

With all this crazy snow, many of the teachers were hoping for a snow day, and it kind of should have! The roads were awful driving to work today, I slid and missed my turn into the school, so I had to turn around to get into the parking lot (don't worry mom it wasn't that bad). Part of me is wishing for a snow day tomorrow, but part of me is not because of filming!

I've been getting sad this past week, because in two weeks I will officially be at my next placement. I will miss my students so much!!! I would like to come and visit, but I'm not sure how that would work out. These students have been so amazing throughout these last nine weeks, and I will definitely remember this class forever. I've grown so much as a teacher and these students have a big part in that. But, I am also excited for my next placement at Mahone Middle School! I will be working in an 8th grade House with a caseload of 13 students. It will definitely be different, but it'll be great!

The rest of today was pretty normal, the math unit is on measuring with a ruler and estimating distances. Many students struggle with estimating, which is totally understandable because I probably suck at it too. During specials, the students were doing a Project Lead the Way lesson on programming a game, so it was cool to watch them work on that! After literacy I led an intervention (WIN) group with some students then ended the day with science. Many students' mealworms are finally starting to change, yay! We even have a few beetles. Our butterflies are still alive, and I think we have an egg too! Science is always crazy with the insects out on the desk, and it is definitely the hardest hour of the day in terms of management!

Overall, to day was a pretty good day, minus spilling food all over myself! We will see if tomorrow is a snow day or not!

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