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One More Week

Today marks the one week mark with my students :( Since next Friday is a teacher work day, I will not get to see my students. I received my first "I will miss you" note today from one of my students and I almost started tearing up! I don't want to leave these students, I wish I could just teach them forever! I guess I have to get used to it as a teacher though, because that is how every new year is! A new group of students!

This morning we started with our last math lesson before their test next Tuesday. These next few days will be review so they are prepared for the test. This lesson was just a continuation of measuring items and comparing the lengths of them. After specials, we had the students write! They were able to write on three things: If they were tiny what would they do, if they could rename crayons what would they be, if they were in a circus what would they do? Many students surprised me and wrote a lot! This was an awesome assignment for them to do, and they got to practice their writing skills!

After lunch, I gave my students their treats! They were very good during my videoing for edTPA, and I promised treats if I was happy with them. I brought in these very good M&M cookies! One of my students gave up sweets for Lent, so I brought in chips for him so he could still have a treat!

Since I was done filming, we went back to the usual centers for Literacy. I led a group on how to properly use a comma. This concept was kind of difficult for some students, trying to find out where it goes in between thoughts. We also had a Carthage student doing clinicals in our room and he led a Word Study center to help the students learn how to spell their words. In the afternoon I was on my own again, but the students only had a science test.

Overall, it was a good day! I'm taking advantage of every moment and trying to make the most of everything!

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