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edTPA Day 2

The weather has been absolutely crazy!! All of the teachers said that today should've been a snow day, and I agree! The roads were awful, and so many students were late coming into school. I was afraid that I wasn't going to be able to film because so many students were missing. Well, I survived day 2 and no food was spilled on my clothes! I purposely packed a lunch that was not messy. Overall, the filming of this lesson went very well! The students knew my expectations and followed them throughout the lesson. I told them that I almost did not give the four points yesterday because they were being noisy during work time, and today they were much better. They definitely earned today's points! Today's lesson was about composing a friendly letter while utilizing a graphic organizer, and most of the students caught on right away. We will see in tomorrow's assessment if they learned anything! (hopefully they did!)

This morning for math, the students were learning about a yard stick. This unit has been kind of messy as a teacher, because the students have to walk around the classroom, measuring different objects. This sucks for management! Once they are up and walking around, it takes forever for them to get settled back down. Although it does help that snack is right after, so they definitely don't want to take away from that.

After I got them from gym class, they worked on completing math and then went to the library. I love going to the library because the teacher who works in the library is so nice! We always have something to talk about. She is definitely one teacher I will miss! For lunch, the students had indoor recess, and they watched Bill Nye the Science Guy! I'm so happy those videos are still around :) To end the day, I led a review for Social Studies since they have a test tomorrow. I found that 15 minutes is the perfect amount of time to get the students ready for the end of the day. Sometimes I like to push it to 10 minutes, but then everything is so much more stressful. At the end of the school day today, it was a lot less stressful because the students weren't in a rush and I was able to manage them easier. So note to self! 15 minutes!!

Side Note: I OFFICIALLY FINISHED TASK 1 AND HAVE IT WITHIN THE PAGE LIMIT!!!! I never have to touch it ever again!! WOOO!!!

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