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Long Day

Today was a pretty typical Monday. The students were very chatty throughout the day. Math went pretty well, the students were learning how to make a dollar today! I think math went better than past lessons because we didn't have the play money out. So the students didn't have anything to mess around with during the lesson/work time! While the students were at specials I replaced the mealworms' food. They keep growing and shedding their exoskeletons! Hopefully they will be changing to a pupae soon so the students have something new to look at next time!

Throughout the day I implemented a "Who's Out?" chart. This helps regulate who is out of the classroom so I know who's out of the room and where they are at. While the students were in WIN time (intervention time) I taught a guided reading lesson. I had a group of 3 students and we were answering comprehension questions to the story. The students were pretty good during this time and were very attentive!

Science was pretty crazy today. The students were very chatty throughout the whole time and I had to remind the students to keep at a voice level 1 (whisper/partner talk) multiple times. This unit is stressful as a teacher! The students are working with live mealworms and have to take care of them on their own. They keep freaking out when they get off the plate and then students around also freak out. I had to do the same thing that I did in math the other day and took off points every time someone was talking while I was. There were just too many side conversations and I ended up taking a point off of 5-6 students. I just want the mealworms/painted ladies to change so they can observe the whole life cycle!

After the school day, we had our first homework club. Some of the students stayed back and I was able to help on math. It felt like the ones who were confused understand it more clearly now, so that's good! Maybe they just needed the extra support to fully understand what's going on.

Overall, today went by very fast. I woke up this morning and thought, "Wow, I'm already almost half-way through my placement." I love this class and the students, even when they can be crazy! This week I am starting my edTPA, so that's another thing on my plate, yay! (not) I'm slowly taking over more things around the classroom, and will hopefully take over full time soon!

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