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Happy Valentine's Day!

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day! Today was a good day overall, most students got at least 10 (the goal is 5) Dojo points, yay!! Today I decided to wear lipstick to school today, and about 4 students came up to me first thing in the morning and said, "Ms. Hertogs, are you wearing lipstick??" These kids notice the smallest things! Up until the end of the day, it was a normal schedule. During math the students were learning how to count money that equaled over $1. I told the students that if the play dollars come back to me bent or ripped that they wont use them anymore, and I got all of them back perfectly! During specials Mrs. Palmer and I prepped for the Valentine's Day party, and I prepped the envelopes they decorated.

After lunch the students were in their usual centers for literacy. The vice principal came and observed the class for about 30 minutes. For the most part, the students were well behaved. Both of my groups were a little crazy, but I felt like I handled it well. Following centers we have snack and WIN time. Those went well and the students all got their Dojo point for WIN!

To end the day we had our Valentine's Day party. The students handed out their Valentines to everyone and they got to enjoy treats brought in by parents. Mrs. Palmer was very organized with this and it went smoothly! Instead of doing a buffet style (because they're 7/8 years old) we just put one of everything on each plate (except for those with allergies) and handed out the plates while they stayed seated. One parent brought in 9 chocolate cupcakes JUST FOR ME. I had one during snack and they are delicious! (I will probably be sharing these, because 9 is a lot!) After the students received/handed out all their valentines we showed funny cat videos for the last 10 minutes of school. They were so cute/funny!

Overall, it was a very good day. I received a note from two of my students that was very sweet and made me smile :) They think I'm as funny as Mrs. Palmer! Woo!!

Fun Fact #1: I am starting to have dreams about my classroom. Same room, same students, same everything. They are mostly stressful ones too! They usually consist of me forgetting something or messing up a lesson. I guess there's no escaping this classroom! Even when I sleep!

(Not so) Fun Fact #2: Basically since I have started my placement, I've been off and on sick. I've had pretty bad sore throats and headaches. When they start to get better, it comes right back the next day! I've started drinking Emergen-C daily, so hopefully that will help! I guess I need to build a better immune system when I hang with 22 second graders every day, all day!

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