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edTPA Work Day

Sadly, I was not in my classroom today :( I had a mandatory work day for the edTPA from 8:30am-2:30pm. I ended up staying until 4:30 working on it, and I made pretty good progress! Most of my day consisted of working in a study room, trying to figure out what my learning segment (three lessons) will be about. By the end of the day I probably had 20 post-its on the table organizing all of my thoughts. The edTPA is very specific and has a lot of requirements, so it is all very time consuming. But, on the plus side I got a free lunch ticket! So I didn't have to spend money on food today! For the afternoon I worked on my edTPA lesson plan. I made pretty good progress on it and am happy with what I wrote today! I still have a lot to go, but I have until March 27th. My goal is to have the lesson plan and Task 1 done by Sunday night (probably won't happen...).

To keep me sane I texted my cooperating teacher throughout the day, our conversation mainly consisted of Bitmojis instead of actual texts. She also sent me a picture of a poster the students all signed that said, "We missed you!" This definitely made my stressful day better :) I've only been gone for one day and they made a poster for me! I'm so excited to get back in to the classroom tomorrow to see my students :)

So today's blog is pretty short because all I did today was sit and write my edTPA in the library today, but tomorrow will be back to normal!

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