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Thursday/Friday Combined

With things picking up with lesson planning and my edTPA, blogging has become harder to fit in, so here is a Thursday/Friday combo! Thursday was a bit rough with the students. They were very talkative all day and no matter what I did nothing seemed to get them to quiet down. But, it was crazy socks and crazy shoes, so that was fun!

Throughout this week, Mrs. Palmer has given me most control, except for assisting with management. On Thursday morning, Mrs. Palmer had to watch another classroom for a while, so I was on my own for math and taking them to specials. During math, I had to remind the students multiple times that they were too noisy and that this was independent work. Eventually, I got frustrated with them and took off a whole class point. Even this did not get the students to quiet down, and I almost told them I was taking another one off. I didn't! But I couldn't believe how talkative they were! I know it's because I was alone and they were trying to test my limits, and they definitely reached mine!

After specials, the students were working independently. This was a little better, but the students were still a bit talkative. They got both specials points (one for music, one for tech), and I don't understand why they aren't that well behaved in the regular classroom! Literacy centers were also not great, some points were taken off of specific students and they were overall very noisy.


For Friday, it was dress like you're favorite Dr. Seuss character, and I dressed as Cat in the Hat. I already had a costume from Halloween, so it worked perfectly! I had the hat and everything. My favorite student costume was The Lorax, one of my students dressed in all orange and had glasses with the eyebrows and mustache glued on. It was awesome! The students took their timed math test and spelling test today, and many students did well! This week's sort wasn't as difficult as some have been in the past, so many students did well on it.

After the spelling test, I did a mini science lesson to show the life cycles of each insect we have in the classroom. This helps the students have a constant visual so they know the different stages of the life cycle for each insect. For the last bit of school, the students had free time. During this time, the students are able to do what they want, and I led a game of Kahoot! This round was hilarious because I did two rounds of brain teasers, so the students didn't understand most of them. I had to explain most of the questions! Some questions included:

1. If you throw a black stone into the Red Sea, what it will become? (Wet)

2. In a marathon, you quickly ran by the person who is in second place, what place are you in? (Second)

3. What is at the end of the rainbow? (The letter w)

4. How much dirt is there in a hole 3 feet deep, 6 ft long and 4 ft wide? (There's no dirt in a hole)

5. There is 5 apples and you take 3. How many do you have? (3)

6. A clerk at a butcher is 161.8cm tall and wears size 13 sneakers. What does he weigh? (meat)

7. There are 10 lit candles on a cake and you blow out 3. How many candles are on the cake? (still 10)

Those were just some of my favorites that tricked the students! This is how we ended our day, then the students packed up to go home! Overall, another successful week is completed, and next week I am filming for my edTPA. Wish me luck!!

Oh! We officially have all 6 butterflies! I thought one had died because it was just laying on the ground, but it eventually got up and flew around, it must've just fallen! Everyone was so excited!

Teacher to me: "What are we going to do when you're gone, I'm already getting sad thinking about it!" This made me so happy to hear, because it means that other teachers are seeing my connection with my students. I am starting to get sad as it is my last month at KTEC, and I will definitely miss all the staff and students I have connected with!

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